Sunday, May 2, 2010

So Kalyn is a senior this year and last night was her "last dance" of the year . . . she was so beautiful in her dress, as were her friends. This has been quite a challenging year for all of us. Just to get her graduated will be quite the accomplishment. I have negleted my blogging duties and I'm sure my mother-in-law will be grateful to see some new pictures of the kids. They are growing too fast. I am promising to be better about keeping this post updated, at least a girl can try, right?

Waiting Patiently for Santa . . .

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Took the kids to take fall pictures today, the weather was beautiful as were the colors!

I took Grayden for his first haircut on Friday, my friend Angi did such a great job with him. He was such a helper and held very still. I hated to cut his hair, it makes him look less like a baby and more like a little boy . . . why do they have to grow so fast?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

So today was the annual Gardner Village trip to see the witches. The girls and I have been sharing this tradition for . . . . let's see 7 years now. I look forward to it every year, and now it's come and gone. This year, Amy's husband Mike joined us. We had a blast! This is one of those things that I hope to continue well into the future and I hope the kids enjoy it as much as I do. The little ones are dressed in their costumes. Pebbles and Bam-Bam, although it is too cold for them to go without coats, so most of their darling outfits are covered. Kalyn's sporting Amy's witch hat and has announced that next year we will all be dressing as witches. I think that's a fabulous idea!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I love fall. It is the chill in the air, the smells, the sights of the gorgeous colors on the trees, and my favorite holiday . . . Halloween. The kids and I went and picked out our pumpkins for carving. Grayden was soaking everything in and tried with all his little might to help mommy lift the big pumpkins. He is growing up so fast. He points at everything, smiling and giggling all the time. What a pleasant baby. He is such a joy.
Kalyn had her follow up appointment with her surgeon on Tuesday. He is very pleased with the way she is healing, and she begins her physical therapy next Tuesday. She is out of the wheel chair and in soft splints on her wrists. She is anxious to start driving again, and believe me, so are we. I had forgotten what being a taxi was like.
Ashlyn is counting down the minutes to when she will be able to get her learners permit. She will be fifteen in just a few months, and can't wait to start learning to drive.
Both girls are doing well in school and seem to be enjoying their busy lives. As for Ryan, he is working alot of overtime and golfing in his sparetime. So far, everyone's healthy and happy. We are so blessed.